Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Pictures from the Zoo. I would explain them, but I think they are for the most part pretty self explanitory.
FYI, the zoo is absolutely free out here. Just an interesting tidbit about it :)
Also, I don't know why I can't take a semi normal picture of E. Taft :S

I was trying to get my pictures converted but it doesn't look like I'll be able to make them small enough to send today...Sorry :(
Another week has gone by, and transfer calls are known. I am going far north east to a small town in Illinois called Tuscola. This is a 4 week transfer so I may only be there a month, but if I stay there for 2 transfers it will be for 3 months like normal(yeah there is an 8 week transfer coming up)
Anyway, Things are well here. We found out we were leaving on Friday, so much of Friday and Saturday has been spent cleaning our apartment deeply, since we are both leaving. Elder Taft is going to the freeway crossroads of Illinois, Mount Vernon, which will be a good experience for him. He is super excited haha It's pretty funny to watch.
We had a good week. For the first time, we went on splits this week and taught two different lessons at the same time. We met with a lot of people who are struggling to develop the faith enough to read the Book of Mormon. I'm not sure what it is, but the idea of finding out from God scares people. I don't believe they think God would lie to them, but maybe they fear they would act on their own emotion or their own feeling, rather then revelation, but it is not a good excuse for rejecting the opportunity. Jesus said that "In the last days, men's hearts would fail them" and as I've watched some of these people who I love dearly, and have gotten to know so well say things like "I didn't read because I heard there wasn't much evidence of the Book of Mormon," it just tears my heart out? How is that a good reason?? Not only that, but why would you rely on man to be a source of truth...Men lie, and speak presumptiously and want to be right even when we are wrong. Simply put, man is the worst source for truth...even if it they have previously been reliable. More and more, I've realized the there is a lack of reality to many Christians and other faiths as well, of revelation and how real answers can be and are from God. It's hard to teach someone that when they don't see it or don't have concrete evidence that this is a plug in source of truth...we have many connections to it; i.e. Scriptures, prayer, church, the modern day prophets, etc. and it is always reliable, whether or not it is what we expect(and many times it's not).
Lately my favorite scripture to share has been Jacob 4 in the Book of Mormon, where it says "We search the Holy Prophets, and have had many revelations insomuch that our faith becometh unshaken, that we may be able to command, in the name of Jesus, and even the trees obey us, or the mountains, or the waves of the sea." I've pondered that because I know that I can also make this very claim, and as I stand as witness of truth, many of my words fall to the wayside because there is no room for the word. We declare nothing more then Light has come into the world, and it is glorious and wonderful and all may know and stand as his very witnesses but just as Jesus said "But men love darkness" It's a tough battle to fight because we will not force or convince anyone, because that is the workings of Satan, but it sure is hard to watch someone you love pass on the opportunity for joy, love, and a hope for a better world.
On a positive note; We did meet with Pastor Ryan today, and he has been having a great experience learning more about the church and defending the our faith. He is reading the Book of Mormon and finds no contradictions or faults yet, and in a deeper expression he said it answers questions that he knows exists; and as he has watched the friends in his circle tell him lies and falsehoods that he knows are not true based on things he reads, or things we've talked about, or the experience in General Conference, his strength and faith has increased and his confidence in our message has also increased. He knows Satan contended greatly against the church in the beginning and all his research has led him to believe that there is no valid reason for the attacks and demonization of our church, and that Satan is very clearly working hard on the church, but that the testimony of the realities of our faith is literally in the lives of our members as he has watched us over the years and studied how we live our faith. 
He is leaving for Rhonda on Thursday, but he we gave him 2 Nephi and 3 Nephi to read while he's out. He is going to stay in contact with us and report to us how his mission is going and we are super excited! Grandpa, thank you for your letter and the talk...I gave it to Pastor Ryan because he loves Elder Holland(He listened to "Safety for the Soul" 3 times he said and found him elogant and a profound speaker he does believe what he preaches). This work is amazing and the Lord is doing remarkable things here. I'm going to miss teaching Pastor Ryan, but I know the Lord has him in His hands, and that I can feel comforted in knowing that what Pastor Ryan finds out, he'll act on.
Anyway, I love you all! Have a wonderful week! I'll work on getting pictures to you soon! 
Elder Tyler Robinson 

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