Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I don't know if I will have enough time to explain the remarkable week we had this week! Hopefully I can do it justice :)

On Monday, we made an awesome music video that we made in Champaign. I wish I could share it, but it is a mighty big file, but when I get home, Expect there to be an awesome video uploaded for you all to see :)

Monday night we were in Arthur. We went over to "grandma's" and had dinner, and taught a lesson to Jed, who is a friend of Elissa's. He's a stud! He has a lot of good questions, and if we can keep him on track, as far as teaching regularly, I think he will accept the Gospel :D

Lets see, Tuesday we had a lesson with Georgia. I gave her a book, Our Search for Happiness, and she has almost finished it already :D She asked us a few questions, but for the most part it seems she really agreed with it :) We then had a Bible Study with a Methodist group that we've been studying with every week. John 14! it was excellent. 

Wednesday was a day of miracles! We went to Arthur and had lunch w/ Elissa. Earlier that day we got a phone call from Charleston Elders, asking us if we would join them in their appointment with Katelyn Schrock, because she is getting baptized and she is in our area(She lives in Arthur), although she is getting baptized in the ward just south of our area. We said yes of course :) We then walked with Elissa to Katelyn's house(because they know each other pretty well) and asked if Katelyn would bring Elissa to the appointment. Of course, she said yes, and we had a huge lesson(10 people). In the lesson, Katelyn wasn't so sure about her baptism date and wanted to wait a year and a half. That's a pretty long time of course, so we talked about it, but didn't push further then asking her to pray about it.

We then went to dinner with Katelyn, Elissa, Kurt, and Sherrell at Steak n' Shake. Invited them all to come with us to meet w/ Laci at the park, which Katelyn and Elissa did. This gave Laci some time to be around Elissa(a recent convert), and Katelyn(thinking about joining), and in the time she had with those girls, something clicked more then it has in a while, and she got her permission slip signed and texted us saying "I'm getting baptized!!!" which is great news.

After we had met with Laci, we left the girls alone and went to a lesson with Jamie Sims and her neighbor, Michelle. It was an awesome lesson and Michelle seems really open to learning more! She had been very interested in the Book of Mormon and so we discussed the Restoration and challenged her to read 3 Nephi 11 which she was excited and agreed to. I'm looking forward to hearing what is going to happen with that :)

We then went back to the park to say goodbye to the girls. As we left to go back to Tuscola, it started to rain and it was hard rain. The windshield wipers were full speed and you still could not see...It was like driving through a waterfall. I texted the girls to let us know when they are home so we knew they were safe, and then immediately I told Elder Jensen I was going to say a prayer. As I began to utter the prayer, the rain completely stopped. From crazy rain to no more rain at all. Full blast windshield wipers to off. And not just for us, but also the girls on their way back to Arthur on the complete other side of the county! It was awesome :) God is good!!! :D

Thursday we had dinner with the Branch President, which was really good! It was Amish Buffet :D
Friday we helped the Zone Leaders move...a lot of fun but not all that exciting. 
Saturday, we had a meeting with Elissa and Katelyn. Those two are becoming really good friends and it's doing wonders for Katelyn! I'm so happy for her. 

This is actually a good time to mention another cool thing that happened with Katelyn. It was Thursday, I felt prompted all day to let Katelyn know about what Laci had told us earlier that day. About mid day, I texted her thanking her for her influence with Laci because she had decided to get baptized after she hung out with them. Later Elissa told us that Katelyn was, at that moment or really close to it at least, praying for a sign that what she was deciding to do was right, she then received that text, and instead of waiting a year and a half, she wants to be baptized in 2 weeks :D

On Sunday, we met with w/ Katelyn again with the Charleston Elders. She is super committed now! They set up her baptismal plan and she is on her way for the 23rd!

Later that day, we saw Laci, and set up a baptismal calendar for her. She is getting baptized on the 7th of September!!! She is also very excited about it :D

Well, I'm sure you are blown away by all of what I shared, but here's more...I'm going to the mission office as an office elder this transfer! So, for all of you who love having my address, rather then the mission address, now they are one in the same :) 

1850 Craigshire Dr
St Louis, Mo 63146

What I was told, is that I will have a prosylyting area, but I don't know how that will work. Basically, I'll probably still go tracting every once in a while and maybe teach some solid lessons :D

Anyway, email overload!!!! I love you all! Have a great week!
Elder Tyler Robinson

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