Tuesday, June 11, 2013


1-4: Pictures with the Bryant boys

5-6: Elder Spencer and I on a Tandem bike

7: Elder Spencer on another of Bro Brown's bikes
Another week, come and gone :)

This week I spent half the week in Urbana Illinois. And yes, for the first time in my mission I rode bicycles to get around to places. I never thought it would happen but the pain in my leg muscles are testimony that we definitely did do that! :) 

There is not a ton to report. It's amazing when you can do like 40 hours of tracting and not really have many stories to share, but it's just one of those weeks. We did have an interesting experience in Hammond, Illinois. We met a guy who had just gotten out of top security prison. He threatened Elder Spencer with some not so nice words, and then told us he would love to have us back and that we helped ease the pain for the day...Not sure if we will :S We also met his neighbor which she felt we had been an answer to her prayer, showing up right when she felt she needed God. That is pretty exciting! 

We went to the Temple again on Friday. Another 6 hour drive but at least it payed off :) we went to the Temple and had a wonderful experience, then Elder Spencer met with President Clark. It's been about 6 months since I've been to the temple...It is definitely a wonderful thing, and it bothers me that it is so hard to get members out here to go...the only ones who do go are temple workers and that doesn't work for us to join them obviously. There is kind of a problem with complacency in the midwest...it is part of their culture but it can be so aggravating because it stands as a road block in progress. Oh well, we got to go, and we drove ourselves so that is good :)

Not much else going on...It keeps raining. A lot. I've said this before, but my body is having a very hard time keeping up with the fluxes in the weather. Last night, the humidity in our apartment made it extremely difficult to breath, I had to sit out by the A/C for about an hour before I felt like I could breath right again...It's like breathing over a boiling pot of water all night...not fun. 

Oh I forgot, we played a huge game of laser tag at the church building on Monday with the zone! It was so fun, but several of us almost got killed by a goose who was laying an egg by one of the doors...The have a very scary hiss, when they are not happy...Just so you know. It was way fun! It was a member's system, which seemed like a very expensive system, but we just had a blast!

Anyway, I'm going to Urbana again today, and will be there till Wednesday. We then go back on Friday to do a Mini-MTC thing. So our week will be out of the area again for the most part. Next week is transfers, so I'll let you know what is happening on Monday!

I love you all! Have a great week!
Elder Tyler Robinson

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