Monday, August 6, 2012


It's official. I'll be here in Mexico for at least 6 more
weeks(although I believe I will probably be here for at least 12
because Elder Pack is on his 4th transfer here).

I had a very interesting week of being District Leader! I did
Exchanges with all the Elders in Fulton, which meant I was switching
companions for 3 out of the 7 days. It was a lot of fun, but man it
sure can be stressful trying to be a good example, to teach them and
to try and learn something from them. It's like getting a new
companion 3 days in a row, where you just try to figure out where they
are at and how you can help them. I made it through though! We had
some mighty fine missionaries in the district! :)

We also had Zone P-Day which was a ton of fun! The Zone Leaders
planned out a bunch of cool events and we were playing against the
opposite side of the zone. We also had a District Leader Zone Leader
meeting where we talked about the zone a little bit more, and how we
can help. It was pretty cool :)

As for our teaching, Richard and Helen are doing well. Helen is still
getting baptized on Saturday...Keep her in your prayers! Satan has
really trying to pull them down lately, and it would help so much if
there were prayers of others working to help them stay strong with all
the blows they are taking.

We also went to the temple on Friday! It was great! It was Elder
Pack's first time, so I was excited to take him. It was a great
experience, which will probably leave us with a harder time with miles
this month, but it was worth it. Hopefully we will be able to find a
ride up sometime later this month, because it really is a remarkable
place. We taught a lesson with Richard and Helen about the temples,
showing them pictures and they really liked it...In one year, they
will be able to go into The Lord's Holy House. They want to go to Salt
Lake actually for their sealing :) I'll still be on my mission when
they get to go though :(

Anyway, not a ton much happening here. It's Mexico, Biofuel Captial of
Missouri, Saddlehorse captial of the US, and Crossroads of the
Midwest...And there isn't too much going on lol. I did go to
Ozarkland, which is a big souvenir shop...Didn't buy anything but I
was tempted...Everything was super expensive and there wasn't really
anything that stood out that I had to have. Oh well...I'll try
Nastagia-ville next time and see if there is anything there :)

Love you all...I'm super behind at writing everyone back...I'm sorry.
I've struggled to find time where I wasn't absolutely pooped to write.
I will make an effort to write everyone back by the end of this week!

Elder Tyler Robinson

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