Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I've hit the 3 month mark!!! It kind of came and went without really any true celebration but nonetheless, it's pretty cool to see how fast the time is flying by!

This week has been definitely different and actually ended up being a lot of fun! First off, on Monday, we went over to Francisco's house again. This time, his mom, dad, and sister-in-law-to-be(Apparently this is common in the latino culture) were all there. They showed us the pictures of their family and talked about when they came to the United States from Mexico, about 20 years ago. His father works about an hour and a half away, in Missouri and has actually taught himself English and is actually very good at it! We asked Francisco if he showed his family the Restoration DVD or not, and he got super excited and said "No, but let's watch it now!" and ran off to go find the DVD and the laptop to watch it on. We watched it in Spanish, which was pretty cool...Interestingly enough, I have recently started remembering how to speak Spanish...it's weird, I know but seriously I can understand what they are usually saying, and I can talk back, which I never did, even when I was in Spanish classes...It's cool but weird :D Anyway, Francisco was amazing! He explained everything we taught so thoroughly and was so excited as he did it! I am so impressed with his desire and his excitement to learn more of the gospel. At the end of the lesson, we committed them to read 1 Nephi 8(o 1 Nefi 8 en espanol) and his mom was like "We aren't going to read it right now?" Haha. She is so excited. In the Latino culture, it is normal for the family to follow the mother in her desires, and in this case, I think if she chooses that this is her path, the whole family will commit themselves to find out if it is true for them, so we are very excited to see her progression, as well as Francisco's.

Anyway, on Tuesday, we had District Meeting, and went on exchanges. Elder Rudd, my district leader, blitzed the East side of Murpheysboro, where we met an older gentleman named John. John was in an accident in October that has made walking, among other things, very difficult, so we walked him to the Courthouse and back. What an amazing, humble guy! He's going through a lot of difficulties, taking care of his brother who is mentally unstable, and dealing with the fact that the hospital incinerated his ID during his accident, he is a champ! We invited him to the Internation Potluck that was on Friday, and he came and LOVED it! We plan on visiting with him again next week :D

Wednesday and Thursday, Elder Valois and I were on exchanges together, while Elder Bassett and Elder Rudd went to leadership. We got soooo many things done, but we just had an amazing time! It was just really fun working with him, and having that opportunity to be lead was a challenge that I just love taking. We caught up on some of the work that Elder Valois left without sharing with us(he was here in Carbondale right before me and Elder Bassett came in), and we met several of the people he was teaching. We also did some tracking, and it was a good learning experience to work so hard and actually have a fun time doing the work. We talked about what we did wrong at that last door, and what we can do better on the next door, and clearly we saw progress because we handed out Book of Mormon's to nearly all the houses we knocked on, and gave them almost a full restoration lesson. It was just amazing!

Anyway, we have a really good week ahead of us...Plus General Conference this weekend!! Elder Rudd and Elder Valois are going to join us here in Carbondale, so it's going to be a great opportunity to share what we learn and the revelations we received!

Lastly, I know the Book of Mormon is true! I know, with everything I work for, every single day, that God gave the Book of Mormon to us, as a means of proving that He is God, and that He loves all of us...no matter what nation, color, sex...He loves us all. He gave it to us so that we can know that He has called a prophet, and that that prophet will only lead us to do well, because he is God's prophet. He gave us the Book of Mormon so that we can know how to interpret the doctrines in the Bible, and so that we have something to pray about to know the truthfulness
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ
Elder Robinson

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