Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Picture of our District.
L to R: Elder Bassett, Elder Stewart, Elder Melton, Elder Rudd, Elder Me(Robinson), Elder Valois(Val-wah).
Elder Stewart is being transferred tomorrow to Champagne to be the DL in one of the districts up there, so we made sure we got pictures with everyone :)
Our extremely small stove, with our extremely large frying pan... Yep, this is what I cook my pancakes and eggs on :)

Kevin on his Baptism Day!! That grin of his lasted that entire weekend. You should have seen how big it was doing the ceremony!!! :D

Kevin & Laura, his girlfriend from Washington. She has been helping him as we've taught him the Gospel this last month. She flew out to see his baptism, which is way awesome!!

Alright, so today is February 21st which means I'm officially just as green as I was yesterday(but at the same time, only 22 months to turn brown and moldy hehe). Anyway, a lot of amazing things happened this week!

First and foremost, I drove for the first time in 2 months!!! :) Feels weird being behind a car wheel again, especially when it clearly isn't my car and I had to go through that awkward phase of figuring out how touchy all the pedals are and so forth. But it I drove for an entire day, while Elder Bassett was on exchanges in Cape(like I was 2 weeks ago).

Anyway, that's actually not the great news...I just wanted to brag real quick(so much for being humble :S hehe). Actually, the greatest thing that happened this week was on Saturday, when Kevin Michael Klien entered the waters of baptism, took Christ's name upon him, and promised to keep His commandments as He has given them. Through that sanctifying experience, he now is worthy and clean enough to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday that will continue to be able to sanctify and guide him for the entirety of his life. I have not seen Kevin smile as big as he did this day. He was glowing!!!

Looking back on the entire timeline of Kevin's conversion, it does not surprise me that he would be smiling as big as his was. What a miracle that has taken place in his life! He's quit smoking, a habit he created long, long ago. He reads and truly studies the scriptures, something he has never in his life had the desire to do before this...And when he can't read, he turns the scriptures on, on his headphones, and listens to them! He prays beautiful, and very sincere prayers; something he scoffed at, throughout his entire life. He has changed so much, in just one month, that I can truly say that he is a new person! Helping Kevin has been absolutely amazing, and I am honored to have been the servant of God, that had the opportunity to be just a piece of that miraculous change!

One last amazing thing that has happened(before I run out of time...trust me, I can go on forever about this week...I'ts been remarkable). Doug Phillips, a Less-Active that the missionaries have been working with for a couple years now, has officially been reactivated. Tuesday(The day I was driving), I received a call from him asking to receive a blessing. We met at the church, and he told me a little bit of his situation that he was going through, which has been completely overwhelming him lately. I then bestowed the blessing upon him, and knelt down with him and just told him how proud I was of his willingness to start coming to church again, and his willingness to meet with us again. He then told me, with tears in his eyes how much he wants the church back in his life, and how he wants to feel the spirit again, as strongly as he remembers. After we opened up a little bit about his current situation and his desires to get back to church, I extended a commitment that surprised me. I committed him to get his Temple Recommend. Do everything in his power to get that recommend. If he does this, Elder Bassett and I will go with him to the temple with him. He agreed, but after we parted ways, he surprised me on how fast and how willing he is to follow through with this commitment. He asked President Bartholowmew if he can be enrolled in the Temple Prep class, and he has a meeting with the bishop to find out what he needs to do to get that temple recommend. He is so amazing!! Plus he always calls us saying "Hey Jesus people" and it makes me laugh :)

I love you all, Plus I wrote everyone back that has written me!!! Like 16 pages of letters yesterday :)
Anyway, till next week,Elder Robinson

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