Friday, December 16, 2011

Sherlock Holmes 2: The verdict; And a letter from Shauna

Alright, so quite a few people were there(8 total), and we sat almost at the very top left of the theater. I decided I had the right to go all out and bought the large popcorn, and soda. We sat down and chatted for about 30 mins(we were way early) before the movie started! One thing I noticed, was that this movie was packed with the most amazing trailers!!! Seriously!! MIB3, Hunger Games, Dark Knight Rises, Man on a Ledge, some spy movie where the guys are trying to date this one girl(don't remember the name...looked good though). Anyway, holy crap!! People cheered for almost every single one...I've never seen that before.

Hmm...Sherlock Holmes. I love Sherlock Holmes. In both movies, he delivers a line that says "I see everything; that is my curse." It's hard to explain, but I understand this. I have ADHD, and although I do not have the capability or capacity to understand, or derive understanding from the things I notice, daily, I do know what it's like to jump focus till you've noticed ever interesting thing in the room. It's hard to explain, but I love that line, because I can relate to it a lot.

Anyway, on to consensus! I loved it! It truly was an interesting movie...Quite a bit different from the last actually. In the last movie, there was a lot of focus in the magic and not enough focus on Holmes(for example, he broke down his moves and the things he notices only twice), but in this movie there was no magic, and a lot of Holmes. You delved into his mind a lot more and he broke down his moves a lot. You also jumped into his head when he observed a room, or the people in the room. These parts in the first movie, were probably some of the best parts in the entire movie for me, so I was extremely happy to see them bring it back, especially with how much they used it this time.

The movie ended with an amazing twist...The first movie, he solved the crimes and the mystery of what everyone views as magic(showing that it was all science), and that was it...It was great, but predictable. Nah...expect the unexpect this time around. Not only that, but the entire movie was funny, it was smart, and that whole romance situation they threw into the first one...Gone(for the most part).

It was a great movie...I wish I were better at expressing what I thought of it, but I didn't go into the movie looking to critique it, so I'm coming at this writing thing a little unprepared! :) Anyway, I think it was the perfect movie to leave on!

Alright, now into some other Missionary-esque news. I've pretty much gotten all packed, besides the things I still need till I leave. I cleaned my bedroom downstairs, and should be ready to move out before I leave. Ummm my farewell talk is on Sunday...I don't have an official talk finished yet, but it should be ready by tomorrow. Also, have some gifts to prepare for Christmas and a car to clean, as well as some other preparatory stuff for Sunday, and I really think I'm just about done and ready to go, to be honest :)

Also, I did an update for ShuffleTone, that met a lot of complaints that were stated by my customers. Took me forever... BUT, I do think I came up with some interesting solutions for some of the problems, and I think all my customers deserve that support from me. stuff :) hopefully no more bug fixes before I go, because I don't think I have the time for it :)

Lastly, I got a letter from Shauna today!! She loves me so much... I haven't seen her in 4 months; I hear from her every 3 to 6 weeks, and I don't get much of an opportunity to communicate with her anymore, but I know that she loves me more now, then she did when she left. Me and Shauna did not pick the easy path. We both offered up a lot, and as we sacrificed, it only seemed like the trial itself got harder, but the rewards; our love, has continued to grow and flourish. I know the girl I want to spend the rest of my life, and of eternity with. Before you scoff and shake your head, let me tell you I understand. It's going to take a lot of hard work and a lot of patience and understanding from both of us. I know there is no perfect guarentee, but what I do know is that I know who I want to dedicate myself for, and I will do all the work in my power to make sure that I am the one who will lift her out of the Veil in the last day. I love Shauna very much...Every memory, every letter, every picture, strengthens me...pushes me to be my very best. Because if I'm going to be anything in the future, it's going to be my very best, for her and my future family, because they are the most deserving of my infinite potential which God has granted me.

Anyway, more tomorrow? I don't know, maybe...stay tuned :)

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