Monday, September 10, 2012


Hello again! Another week is done and over with. It's been a pretty tough
week, with hardly an level of success. We taught only 4 sort of
lessons this week. Most of the time, we were tracting, probably 17-20
hours of it, and didn't get a single potential. We aren't sure what's
going on, but I have suspicions that other churches have started doing
anti sermons, based on the response we have at doorsteps. This has
been a whole lot different than it has been for a while. We tracted
one of the longest residential streets, the most condemned street, the
richest street, the joe-shmo street, and many others with not any
success. Interestingly enough, I'm super proud of the work we did,
because I know there isn't any reason to feel bad about the lack of
success, because we got out there, we did the work, we had fun doing
it, we kept all the rules and commandments, there is no reason why we
shouldn't be proud of our hard work. It was a worthy effort and the
fault falls upon those who rejected the opportunity.

Anyway, on a happy note, we went to the temple on Saturday, before it
closes for cleaning. It was great! We also gave talks on Sunday...It
must have been really good because several of the members said that
they haven't heard such powerful talks given in Sacrament in a long
time. I did mine on a poem called "The Fellowship of the Unashamed"
relating that to our baptismal covenant and then relating that more
fully to an example of those who proved their commitment to the
covenant, that being the early church led by the apostles after the
death of Christ. They held firmly in their faith, knowing that it
would lead to their death and the death of their children, as well as
possibly losing the church completely, which is what happened. I
stressed that it's no different now. We are a part of that very same
cause, and the purposes of God will not come forth, if we are not
willing to build his Kingdom, and bring forth Zion, so we must shine
brightly with the light that we are given and be a beacon for all who
are willing to get out of the darkness. It was my first talk so far on
my mission. Hopefully it was good :)

Is there any other news? Well, I made a significant change in district meeting,
which I will be firm on keeping. For Stewardships, I have decided to
do a stand-up meeting which is what we use in the programming process
called scrum, to shorten the expressions of what has been done and
what will be done. It works well, and I will be tooling it to increase
it's capacity in keeping the meeting short. It's fun to actually get
to apply some of my previous experience in industry, to the missionary
work, and I think it was a much needed change.

Anyway, I think that is it for this week. Hopefully you are all having
a wonderful time, and that the weather is treating you well. We went
from being dry, yellow, and dead here, to having to mow the green lawn
that came up in less than a week. It was weird. Anyway, we have a lot
of cleaning to get to today, so until next week!

Love you all, thank you so much for your support,
Elder Tyler Stephen Robinson

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