Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Hollie Nye is getting baptized!!! That's our exciting news for this week :) I shared the story last week about how that decision came about, but when we went to their house on Wednesday, after Dinner, she just said "I want to get baptized, and I was wondering if we can get me started on that path as soon as possible." She's good to go; She set her date for February 23rd which is in two weeks! It's going to go so fast, but we are going to finish teaching her all the lessons and get her on her way to walking into those waters of baptism!

The interesting story that I've really been impressed with, after all of this actually is about her husband. He hasn't had the strongest testimony growing up, but recently he started following the Gospel standards again, and he expressed that notable blessings have been poured out so abundantly on him in his life, that he knows that keeping the commandments is true, but he wanted to be able to firmly say that he knows that the Church is true, and that the Book of Mormon is true. After our two visits last week, yesterday he shared with the priesthood brethren that he can confidently say, with a perfect knowledge that he knows those things are true. Isn't that remarkable? He's changed so much in just a couple weeks, and so has Hollie, and I know that as we extend their faith, they will both see remarkable blessings that they would have never guessed. We are very excited.

Also, this week, we went to our first Fish Fry. It's a German tradition that has been carried into the Midwest from settlers, and it was very interesting. The biggest problem with Fish out here in my opinion is typically the fish they cool is all the ones I really don't have much desire for...Cod, Catfish, etc. The nasty fishes that eat nasty junk in the water lol. Anyway, it wasn't too bad, but I have to say(no offense to my German Line) that German potato Salad is not good; At least what they made didn't impress me. Otherwise it was a lot of fun.

We also taught Danny, Connie, and Tiffany. It was great. We invited them over for a party at the McCann's home. It was a lot of fun, and we taught the first half of the Plan of Salvation. It went very well, and everyone was very open in their comments. Danny and Connie came to church, but the only stayed for 2 hours again...We'll have to pump them up this week to get them staying all 3 hours. I feel Relief Society will be a lot of help for Connie. Danny needs to meet some of the Priesthood brethren as well.

Anyway, we are moving on Wednesday. It should be fun getting that apartment nice and clean today and tomorrow. We need to make an incredible impression on our Apartment manager after the events that happened last month. When we told Sister Keller that he had still not replaced the furnace after a month of taking it out and leaving it on our porch(He wouldn't answer our phone calls), she called him and boldly, but kindly asked him to put it in. He did, but immediately after, called her back and chewed her out and told her that he wanted to kick us out(not for any real reason except that we complained). I don't want to leave, with him having such negative feelings for us, so we really are going to put in our all to get this place looking real sharp(I know, focus on Fridge, Oven, and bathroom). That's what we will be working on these next couple days.

I love you all! Have a great week!
Elder Tyler Robinson

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