Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I'm trying to think back on my previous week. It feels like this week has been forever long(as you can is Wednesday and not Monday.) We worked on Monday and pretty much was left with no time to shop or email, so we moved our P-Day over to today, which we are still shorted some time. We may not have time to write at all.

Last week, was a week of Exchanges. They started on Tuesday and went to Friday morning. I worked with Elder Gonzales during that time. We visited with Laura, which I talked about last week. She is actually a member. She joined in Kentucky and when she moved, she didn't tell her home ward, so her records never got transferred. After we visited on Thursday, we came back on Friday and she told us that her husband asked her for a divorce the night before. I really feel that we found her at the perfect time, to best help her. She is way awesome though. We owe her a Spanish Book of Mormon so that she can start reading again. I'm excited for her.

We also visited the Tomas family twice so far since I last wrote. We found out that Francisco was in jail recently for getting in a fight with his brother after they had both been drinking. While he was in jail, he was asking about us and really feels that we are the answer to his prayers and could really help him change his life. The family, all together, thinks that this will change their family for the better and really has a huge desire to take the name of Christ upon them. They still have some work to do, including some lifestyle changes, but they are doing amazing! We are currently trying to get them to church.

We also have had a couple lessons with Letecia, which was someone who the missionaries taught a year ago, but they stopped the lessons for a little bit. She keeps telling us that she is pretty sure she knows she wants to be baptized but that she wants to make sure she knows 100%. I'm glad that's what she thinks. These are eternal covenants that people are making, when they get baptized. In no way should that be taken should know 100% that it's true. This is God's church, and she knows that God will claim it, if it really is his. I'm super excited for where she is heading.

Emily is the bomb! She is still on her way for baptism on June 16th. We have a couple lessons left to teach, but she is pretty much ready! We are meeting her family tomorrow. :)

We also had an awesome lesson with Chad this week! He has finally decided that he may not be in the right place, and that if he doesn't find out whether or not this is true, he could be missing a lot of things that God wants him to know. He said he is determined to really pray hard this week about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. He has finally put forth some real commitment. We think he may, once again, be ready to be invited to baptism.

Anyway, as you can tell, it has been a ton of work here. A lot of success has really been rolling out. We are doing our best to really help our investigators to really understand and diligently search for truth. I read this week, that any doctrine that says that there can not be more truth added upon any single principle, can not be true doctrine. This is something Joseph Smith taught. There are many reasons that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true, but one thing Joseph Smith said is that it is the purpose of man to search out all truth. We accept all truth. If it is truth, then it is from God, therefore we accept it. No other church claims that. The doctrines of other churches limit the amount of truth that can exist...If we had the opportunity to stare into heaven for 5 minutes, we would learn more then a lifetime of searching the knowledge that is available here on Earth. If that is the case, then why does it not make sense that there is more that God wants to give us. If he has an infinite store of knowledge, and we are to seek out and obtain as much knowledge as we are prepared to receive, then no doctrine in church can say that there can be no more knowledge on this subject(I.E. There can be no more scriptures then what is in the Bible). Always seek for truth! Search it out, ponder it in your mind, ask God, who is the center of all truth, and he will reveal it unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost. This is the true doctrine of God.

Anyway, I just wanted to share an awesome lyric from a CD my mom sent me. It is from David Osmond's "Road Less Traveled" CD. The song is called "Loneliest Walk". I recommend it highly!!

(By the way, this is about Christ and his atonement)
"He pushes up the board they've tied onto his shoulders
He bears, with dignity, disgrace
He hears the jeering and the wind is getting colder
Tastes the blood upon his face

His body bruised and back still open from the scourges
The consequence of wicked men
He knows no man on earth has ever deserved this
But still He bears it all for them
And he keeps moving up the hill to do His Father's will

With each step He takes there's another to follow
And one more ache, one more tear to swallow
We all stand by and watch as the price is paid
Through the loneliest walk of His life
So we don't feel alone in the night
We can have His hand holding the light
Through the loneliest walks of our lives

Keep pushing through this lonely walk you're going through
'Cause someone's walked this way before" 

The song itself talks about a women who's new born baby is dying, and she feels lost, walking a lonely path in which the weight is heavy as well as a man who has lost his wife from a disease. He is at her grave as he remembers their time together...His lonely walk, literally being that he lost the one in which he held so close. Christ atoned for the world, so that in all situations, no matter what they are, Christ can walk beside them, so that they are not lonely any more. For he is the only man who has truly walked the lonely path. I like this song a lot! :)

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well! I love you all! Congrats to Scott, who just got home this week! I'm sure that was super exciting and awesome for everyone who was there! I was there in spirit ;) Congrats on an honorable mission!

I love you all! Write me! :)
Elder Tyler Robinson
 We were in a line of traffic, wondering why it was going slow. Elder Elkington leaned out the window a little bit to see what the hold up was, when he exclaimed, "Ahh, it's the bloody Amish!!" Haha It was funny(and nothing against the Amish of course. They are awesome!)

 The "Ugly Naked Cat" from the Tate home. This is literally what they call it! :)

New Zealand's very own Dr. Evil

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