Monday, June 18, 2012


Treading very close to the 1/4th mark of my mission :D 

As you can probably tell by the pictures, everything is going pretty well. We've had a really adventurous week with some amazing news, of course!

Emily got baptized! that's the most exciting news! The baptism went amazing!! It blows my mind how far the ward went with it this time. It was Saturday @ 4, and a ton of people showed up!! Not only that, but we had an investigator who came and played a music number during the baptism; there was even a large amount of refreshments after, which many people stuck around and talked with her parents and with Emily. The fellowship is great and I think every person made an effort to let the family know that they are so happy for Emily and that they will be willing to support and help her in her participation in the church. It was great!

Another amazing thing that happened was that we set a baptismal date with Letecia, which is July 7th. There is a huge chance I won't be here for that, but she agreed with it completely; she set up a calendar, and has kept every commitment so far, including coming to church(which she even brought her husband to). With review of all the lessons, she will be ready for that day in no time!! :)

Next amazing thing that happened was that 7 investigators or potential investigators came to church(including Letecia and her husband). Not only that, but the whole entire ward went out of there way to make them feel so welcome! It was awesome! We had one lady there, who had decided that she just wanted to try our church. She participated in Gospel Principles and really really liked it. Everyone was super nice to her and made her just feel loved. She called us last night to see if she can learn more, so we will be teaching her tomorrow afternoon! What a blessing!! 

Of course, the pictures I sent show that we've been going to some exotic restaurants lately, which has been provided by some awesome members. They were all pretty awesome! We spent 2 hours waiting on food at the Blue Boar, but I didn't mind too much; the place was crazy awesome! The pictures I sent is just a small set of really what was there, and the food turned out pretty good. The Lodge was also very similar and had real good food. We also had the opportunity to eat some legit Mexican food at the Tomas family's house. They made us a soup that is a true Mexican delicacy. It had a spicy broth, with some veggies and beans in it, as well as some slow-cooked cured pork mixed in. It was awesome! A great week for food :)

Today we are in Cape for Zone P-Day. We are going to have a Nerf war, which sounds like a ton of fun actually :) I should wrap up...I'm sorry this is a short letter. I didn't get as much time here as we do in Carbondale. I love you all! I love hearing from everyone! I have done a terrible job at writing people back, but it is because, as you can probably tell by my last couple emails, P-Days have not really had too much free time to write home with. It's just been a crazy transfer! By the way, I will know about transfers next week, so be excited to hear about that :D

Have a great week!! 
Elder Tyler Stephen Robinson
Our trip to Giant City Lodge. Bryan and Emily took us, and it was way awesome. They have an All-You-Can-Eat Fried chicken dinner, which they just keep refilling everything, and an awesome scenic building. Outside is a water tower which you can climb up, which is the consistence of most of these pictures :)

Emily's Baptism!!! It was awesome!!! :D Bryan, her boyfriend was the one to baptize her :)

These are pictures from the Blue Boar outside of Anna. The animals are all stuffed and surround the entire inside of the building. That picture at the waterfall is just outside the building. It's an awesome place, out in the middle of no where, and I think more people were there that day then the population of most the cities in our area haha. It was awesome!

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