Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Only one photo this week. This is our district + Zone leaders photo!

Top(Left to Right): Elder Gast, Elder Elkington(District Leader),
Elder Melton, Elder Gleave, Elder Valois, Elder Robinson

Bottom(Left to Right): Elder Barta(Zone Leader), Elder Hardman(Zone Leader)
 I apologize for not getting this added the week he wrote it.

Another week under my belt! It's amazing to me to think that this
transfer is almost over!! Next week(on Wednesday) is transfers, and
there may or may not be a switch here. Elder Elkington, so far on his
mission, has had a different companion every transfer...I'm hoping
that we break that trend and both stay, because we are working with
amazing people right now, and we really are trying to make an impact
for the people who live here in this area. We've seen some big
progression in a lot of different areas. For example, we are seeing a
huge level of reactivation at the ward!! The entire chapel and
overflow were full on Sunday;
so many people were there that all the water trays were empty before
they were finished passing. It really is amazing to hear from
Less-Actives their desire to come back to church, and we have seen so
many lives change because they replanted their feet in the Gospel and
have began to partake of the fruit of God's love. It really has been

This week has been another difficult week, where once again, we had a
lot of cancellations again, but we have also had a lot of really good
appointments. The beginning of the week, we had the Wyatt family,
which is a part-member family who we have been working with for a
while now. We went in with the plan of teaching the Gospel of Jesus
Christ, but due to some needs that we recognized as we were there, we
talked about some scriptures and the meanings of them. We then talked
about chuch, and what may be keeping them from church. Although Chad
has his own concerns, it really is Penny that has been difficult as
far as holding commitments and doing the things we have asked of them.
Because of this, I turned the question towards Penny, and for the
first time, she expressed her concerns and worries about church...she
also expressed a desire to really know the truth. I then made a
promise that if she does fulfill our commitments, she will receive an
answer from God of the truthfulness of what we teach, and her concerns
will disappear, because she will know that we are sharing that which
is instructed of God. It was great! :)

On Wednesday, I felt inspired for us to visit a professor in his
office that has been inactive since the day that I made it to this
area. He talked to us a little bit about Elder Elkington being from
New Zealand, but then, out of no where said "You guys must have really
been inspired to come here, because I really need help. I want to get
fully active in the church again." We then set an appointment this
Wednesday to discuss his course of action to get active again. It was
really cool, because I know he was right about that.

Yesterday, we had another lesson with Robert and Mona, and Robert went
crazy again. Me and Elder Elkington have mastered how to handle the
situation though, to make sure it is a learning experience for
everyone else who is in the room. I would listen to Robert's rants
about some sort of doctrine which usually is incorrect, while Elder
Elkington would teach Mona, or Elder Elkington would listen to his
rants and I would teach Robert's brother. I don't know what happened,
but Robert was just not willing to listen at all. It's super
frustrating because Robert will interrupt you and then will talk for
45 minutes and will raise his voice any time you try to say anything,
so really we don't end up sharing anything with Robert. All the other
people who we have taught at their house, including Mona, have
sincerely been looking for truth, but Robert(although he would claim
otherwise) is not. We are going to teach them again next week, but
instead of trying to teach new doctrines, we will probably focus on
finding truth and how you can recognize truth, using scriptures from
the Bible and the Book of Mormon. We'll see what happens from here, I
guess. Lol!

Today, we are going up to Cape for DLZL tonight, but are leaving after
we get all the things we need to finish here, which may mean that
everyone who is currently waiting for me to write you back, but it
depends on what they are going to ask us to do during DLZL. I'll do my
best :)

Just so everyone knows. Shauna is now Senior Companion and is training
a new missionary from Lima, Peru, which is super exciting! The new
missionary couldn't have asked for a better role model to start her
mission with ;)

2 weeks ago, they had a wedding in their area for Hermana Blanca, who
was an investigator who was preparing for baptism. She couldn't get
baptized until the marriage, so they arranged for her wedding, which
Shauna and her companion were witnesses :) She then got baptized,
which is amazing! She is doing really well! I know she is grateful for
all your prayers that you offer for her and her success! Thank you :)

Anyway, I love you all! I really want to hear from all of you! If you
haven't written me, or haven't written me in a while, well shame on
you!!!! Just kidding, but seriously I love getting letters and I
always try to write back, and I miss hearing from many of you.

Until next week,
Elder Tyler Robinson

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