Wednesday, January 25, 2012


So, as you know, January 21st was my one month aniversary on my mission :D I celebrated it by handing out two Book of Mormon's, walking back to the house :)
Anyway, this week has kind of been lacking any real prominant events. Our biggest event, though, was meeting with Kevin on Thursday. We taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He had already read 2 Nephi 31 without us asking him, so he knew quite a bit already before we went into the lesson, but we showed him how the Gospel can be used in our lives, no matter what the situation is. We talked a little bit about his dreams, of who he wants to be, and how he expects to get there and I showed him that the only way we can become that person we see our selves becoming, is through change...through faith in Christ, repentence of our sins, being baptized and receiving the remmission of those sins, and recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost and once we have reached that point, start it again. Change more, become better then you were. There is an infinite ceiling on the person we can become and the only way we can continue to approach that person, is by always making changes that improve on who we were, and that the ordinances of the Gospel are put there so that we can, one day, reach our goals and our potential; and at that final hour, God will open his gates and accept us into his kingdom, to receive all that he has promised.
Lights went on for Kevin...he understood why we would need the Gospel, why we need a Savior, and why it's important for him. He now has a date, February 11th. This means, we need to continue working with him to help him progress and to repent so that he is prepared to make those everlasting covenants with God, in the waters of baptism! I'm so excited for him. Not only did he agree to work towards being ready for that date, but he even prayed outloud for us, which is something he has refused, sincerely, since our first visit. It was so great! We are so very proud of him and his progression so far :)
Anyway, Kevin is a stud! I do ask for all you at home, to keep Kevin's mom, Karen Klien in your prayers, as she is currently going through difficult surgeries that has Kevin very worried. Thanks :)
Sunday night, we went over to the Tolley's house. Bishop Tolley(the old bishop of the ward), is a professor at SIU for Forensic Chemistry(Bree, you would love to meet him :D); He teaches classes, but he does a lot of research. He has worked on a way to test reactions of medication on single cells of the body, so that you can find out what effects will be caused, what side effects will be caused, and any other good/bad thing that medicine can do to the human body. He also invents Chocolate :) He gave us some that had some South American Choa choa bean, which he said "Meh, this isn't really the best I make"...It was AMAZING!! Like, I could easily say that it was the best milk chocolate I've ever had. Not only that, but he has actually made one of the greatest protein bars ever made. It tastes like candy, is 65% protein and 35% fiber...No carbs. We didn't get to try it, but he says his kids will eat them for dessert because they are so good. By the way, they have 7 kids :) They were way cool, and made us a really good itallian soup :D
Mom, I forgot to send you the recipe for White Chili that I mention in my letter(you will understand when you get it), so here is the recipe, which I am sharing with every is so good(Bytheway Brenda, I used your recipe book at the Babcock's house to get this recipe). Anyway, here it is:
4 Chicken breast
1 tsp. oil
1 tsp cumin
4 stalks of celery
1 onion; chopped
2 cans; cream of chicken
2 sm. cans; green chilies
2 cans; Great northern white beans
3 1/4 cups water
2 cubes chicken bouillon
1 bag of tortilla chips
monterey jack cheese; shredded
sour cream
In a large stew pot, put cumin, oil, and celery
Add Cream of Chicken, chillies, white beans, onions, water, boulillon cubes
When finished, top each serving with chips, cheese, and sour cream
Also, this is for everyone who reads this. I need excercises that can be done without equipment. I know a lot of you have your own ideas and do different things, I would like a good variety, so send me them(Best would be through the mail, not email). I do all the same excercises every day, and it is getting harder to do them because I'm working the same muscles. Anyway, yeah please do this :)
Yesterday, we had district meeting. We talked about Finding, and what we can do to improve the way we find people. We focused on the fact that find means to uncover something that has been sought. We are seeking for those who are prepared to hear what we have to say, and we have to approach every person like they might be who we are looking for. Finding has probably been the hardest thing we have done so far; and it's all because we haven't really learned how to approach people with boldness. Give them a reason to recognize that we have something important to share with them, before they loose interest. It's tough, but as we continue to practice, we continue to see improvement :)
Also yesterday, after District Meeting, we had interviews with President Clark. I got a chance to tell him how everything was going and to express how happy I am to be here in Carbondale(because it really is an amazing place to be put at). He said several times that he put me and Elder Bassett here because the area has been so bad lately, that he knows that putting his best missionaries here will turn the area around. I don't want to sound like I'm boasting, but I do agree; we could see a large amount of success in this area. It is just a matter of showing working as hard as we can, which we are.
Anyway, I don't have any pictures this week. I should take one of me and Elder Bassett, but we just haven't had the time yet. We will next P-Day :)
Until then,
I love you all!!! Write me!!!!!
Elder Tyler Robinson
514 S Wall St Apt# 11
Carbondale, Il 62901
I seriously get no letters, so yeah, please write!! Mom, Grandpa, make sure everyone in the family get's a copy of this(Brenda, Ken, Kevin, etc) Thanks!
Hope all is well in Utah! :D
Elder Tyler Robinson

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